Saturday, August 28, 2010


Previously, I was in an impression that eating and sleeping are the basic actions that can be performed without others intervention. That conception has turned out to be “not-always-true”. After seeing me a couple of times neglecting meals, my uncle got fed up. To make matters worse, he has also seen me sleep during the hours that are not meant for sleep. As a consequence, he turned serious regarding these two issues. Now I have to eat and sleep according to his wish when under his nose. No offense but not everyone likes to be commanded when to sleep and when to eat. Ultimately, as I seem not able to do even these basic things well, I am conceived to be useless, slow, aimless and all the negative adjectives which I do not like to be described using.

May be I was wrong. May be this conception is true. I know that I have serious discipline issues and may be I wasn’t doing even the basic things well at all. No personal insult that I got commanded what to do but the eating and sleeping patterns need to be addressed real soon. Thanks uncle, thanks for pointing my basic flaws out. I shall rectify myself and shall strive to become a stronger self.


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