Saturday, January 26, 2013

Project Update 0.1

How’s the project coming along?

I would reply “So far, so good” (with the crossed fingers concealed behind the back). As per the plan, I guess I am doing just fine. Except that the plan is “Literary review” but I have just been doing “literary view”. I mean, I am viewing all the literature out there that I think is related to the project at hand and a lot of it for the first time.

I identified the following as related literature:
  1. Morphology – since the project is basically about morphological analysis
  2. Java – Oh! I am going to use java to build the whole thing
  3. NetBeans platform – Yes, the framework is going to be NetBeans platform
  4. Software Engineering – what! I wanted to follow sound SE principles for one, for professional assurance and for two, personal reassurance that I am doing just fine over the entire course.  
  5. All other tools for all the steps starting from
·        compiler, IDE,
·        build,
·        version control,
·        unit testing,
·        integration, load and performance testing
·        quality metrics
·        technical documentation
·        issue management
·        continuous integration
Fortunately, no. 5 is just one book at the moment and I shall be learning how to use tools for all the above activities in NetBeans IDE.

Since nothing concrete can be shown as a proof for the knowledge being acquired except for using it during the course of the project, I couldn’t exactly show off anything right now. But, I hope the initial knowledge I gain will be sufficient for coming up with stating the IDE requirements in an unambiguous form for the next step. 

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